Oct 13, 2013

Best of Anime 2013 Convention

Hello everyone! Here are some pics from my visit to the Best of Anime 2013 convention I went to last September 14 at the SMX Convention Center in the Philippines. They had great quality cosplayers that time so it was a really fun photowalk for me. More pictures after the break an over at the NO REAL PLOT Facebook page.

Oct 5, 2013

NENDOROID: Saber 10th Anniversary Edition

I have a new miniature plastic friend! This time it's Nendoroid #250: Saber 10th Anniversary Edition by Good Smile Company. I bought her at a decent price a few weeks ago from a fellow collector, who moved on to another collection. This makes Saber 10th my 2nd Saber Nendoroid since one of my best friends gave me the #121 Super Movable Edition last Christmas. Which leads me to say that Saber 10th is actually the original Super Movable edition but with a more shinier, more awesome, metallic armor.